Youth and young adults share their experiences with mental heath and substance abuse and offer advice on how to help someone that may be dealing with these challenges.
Our Vision
To ensure Tennessee young adults have access to community-based services such as mental, emotional, and behavioral health needs that is coordinated across systems, individualized to a young adult's unique needs, strengths, and culture, and where a young adult is the primary decision-maker in the care of their mental health journey and their life.
Our Approach
Healthy Transitions utilizes the system of care core values to provide youth/young adults (16-25 years old) with developmentally appropriate, non-stigmatizing, culturally sound services and supports. The Healthy Transitions approach attempts to engage youth/young adults, their families, and other necessary partners in a collaborative process that propels them toward greater independence and achievement of their goals as they navigate their transition into adulthood.
Our Service Goals
- Support young adults living with mental illnesses
- Coordinate services
- Provide youth-driven, and culturally competent services
- Increase public awareness
- Increase accessibility and effectiveness of mental health services for transition age youth (16-25 years of age)
Need Help RIGHT NOW?
- Call your doctor
- Call 911 for emergency services
- Go to the nearest hospital emergency room
- Call the toll-free, 24-hour hotline of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1.800.273.TALK (1.800.273.8255) TTY: 1.800.799.4TTY (4889)
- Call Tennessee Statewide Crisis Line at 1.855.274.7471
Quick Facts